Understanding Dyspnea: Meaning, Causes, and Management
The meaning of dyspnea , commonly known as shortness of breath, is a condition that affects millions worldwide. If you've ever felt like you can't catch your breath, you're not alone. This article breaks down everything you need to know about dyspnea—from its meaning to its causes and management. What is Dyspnea? Definition of Dyspnea Dyspnea refers to a subjective experience of breathing discomfort. It can feel like tightness in the chest, a struggle to inhale deeply, or a sense of suffocation. While it's normal to feel breathless after intense exercise, persistent dyspnea may indicate an underlying health issue. Common Symptoms · Rapid, shallow breathing · Chest tightness · Wheezing or gasping for air · Difficulty completing sentences due to shortness of breath Understanding...